Sunday, March 4, 2007

Fitness Camp St. Johnsbury: Session 7 February/March

Leg Power + Kettlebell Relay + Intervals

Kettlebell Relay

3 teams

Each person sprints 25 yards to kettlebell

Perform 15 Kettlebell Swings

When teammate finishes swings next team member sprints to kettlebell

Finish swings and lunge back to start

Perform 3 rounds

Leg Power

Workout A

Run 2 laps

Broad Jump Burpees x 50 yards counting reps

Bench Jumps x number of Broad Jump Burpees (BJB)

Jumping Lunges x number of BJB

Squat Jumps x number of BJB

Run 2 laps

Step ups x number of BJB per side

Walking Lunges x number of BJB per side

Sky and Ground Squats x number of BJB

Run 2 laps

Workout B

Run 2 laps

Broad Jump x 50 yards counting reps

Step ups x number of Broad Jumps (BJ)

Lunges x number of BJ

Prisoner Squats x number of BJ

Run 2 laps

Step ups x number of BJ per side

Reverse Lunges x number of BJ per side

Sky and Ground Squats x number of BJ

Run 2 laps

Complete assigned workout once


Jill (workout A) 7:39

Stacey (workout A) 7:39

Sandy (workout A) 10:42

Amy (workout A) 10:45

Laurie (workout B) 11:23

Brenda (workout B) 11:23

Katie (workout A) 11:45

Sarah (workout A) 12:17

Norma (workout B) 13:33

Julie (workout B) 15:10

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