Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fitness Camp St. Johnsbury: Session 18 March

Countdown + Intervals

5 Burpees
10 Squats

Complete as many rounds as you can in 5 minutes

Sue 8
Evelyn 8
Julie 8
Norma 8
Brenda 10.5
Laurie 10.5
Karen 11
Jill 12
Stacey 13
Sandy 13


Sky and Ground Squats
Push ups
Chin to Knees

Complete each exercise starting with 10 reps down to 1 repetition. Go through one round for time

Norma 11:38
Evelyn 11:38
April 11:38
Sue 10:35
Brenda 10:25
Laurie 10:25
Sandy 10:04
Julie 9:42
Karen 9:16
Stacey 9:05
Jill 9:05

Congratulations to Jill and April for being the black t-shirt recipients for this session! Way to be leaders in and out of camp!

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