Thursday, February 15, 2007

8 Ways to Tame a Raging Appetite

I found this reading Men's Health this morning.

1. Guarantee Success- How long do you think you can stick to a new plan? Find a duration that you're 100 percent sure confident you can achieve, even if it is just a couple of days. Once you make it to your goal date, start over again. This makes eating better a little more managable, plus when you start feeling better, good habits will be reinforced.

2. Find more Motivation- If your motivation to eat healthy is just for six pack abs, it may be hard to stick to a plan. Discovering that your new diet improves the quality of your life and health can be powerful motivation.

3. Don't dwell on mistakes- Ok, you over did it on cookies. What do you do next? Forget about it. One meal doesn't define your diet, so don't assume that you've failed or fallen off the wagon. Follow any 'cheat' meal with five healthy meals and snacks. That will ensure you are eating right 80% of the time.

4. Eat Breakfast- When you wake up your body has been without food for 6-8 hours, so you are running on fumes by the time you reach work. And that sends you desperately seeking sugar. The most convenient foods are often the ones you should be avoiding.

5. Install Food Regulators- Clean out your cupboard and fridge, then restock them with almonds and other nuts, cheese, fruit and vegetables, and canned tuna, chicken, and salmon. By eliminating snacks that don't match your diet but providing plenty that do, you're less likely to find yourself at the donut shop.

6. Think like a Biochemist- If you're going to eat a cookie, accept that you're deviating from your plan, and then revert back to your diet afterward. It's true they make organic cookies, but even a cookie made with organic cane juice (sugar), it's still junk food. Ditto, for lots of 'health foods' in the granola aisle.

7. Recognize Hunger- Have a craving for sweets, even though you just ate an hour ago? Imagine eating a large, sizzling steak instead. If you are truly hungry, the steak will sound good, and you should eat. If it doesn't sound good, your brain is playing tricks on you. Change your environment, which can be as easy as doing 15 push ups or finding a different task to focus on.

8. Take a Logical Approach- Before you take a bite of food, consider whether it's moving you one step closer to your goals or one step farther away. This won't stop you from making a poor choice every time, but it does encourage the habit of thinking long-term about what you're eating right now.

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