Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week 2 Tuesday

Extended warm-up PLANKS and Ascent/ Descent

Although a certain camper (who I shall rename Jeff to keep anonymity!)
feels that this workout should be called Descent/Ascent instead, I'll keep it entitled our way because we are ascending in reps, and then descending, but thanks for the laugh! Always bringing a smile to our faces.......and if we can't laugh when we are getting our butts kicked in boot camp, when can we laugh, really!????

Planks position really warmed up the camp tonight as campers held a plank for three minutes and then challenged themselves more with lifting one arm, one leg, etc.. Needless to say everyone was sufficiently warmed up for the workout!

Campers perform exercises and reps in ascending fashion and then descending fashion through the list twice for time.

10 Chin to Knees
20 Burpees
30 Push-ups
40 Prisoner Squats
50 Jump SQUats
40 Prisoner Squats
30 Push-ups
20 Burpees
10 Chin to Knees

Not an easy workout - but very uplifting!!!

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