Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 4 Day 2 (W)

Countdown and kettlebell swing relay

KB swing relay:

Campers split up into teams. On go one person sprints to kettlebells and performs 15 swings. Lunge back to start. Next person in line may go once person in front starts their lunges or run. Complete 2 rounds. We had fun with this today - a tough lunge route, though! Great work!


Campers individually move through 4 exercises performing reps in a countdown manner (12-1, 11-1, or 10-1). Each exercise must have all sets performed before it is considered complete. Rotation can be in any manner - all reps in one exercise or splitting it up in any manner they wish. This is being competed for time which campers will record in fitness notebooks. Excellent effort today - and congrats to Angela for earning her right to a grey bootcamp tee shirt - it's great to have you with us!

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