Friday, June 13, 2008

Father's Day Special, It ends tonight!

As you probably know, this coming Sunday is Father's Day.

And while it's the day to celebrate and honor father's, it's also a good time to make sure they're taking care of themselves so they'll be around for many more.

One of the simple things they can do to take better care of themselves is to eat more fruits and vegetables. But who doesn't know that already, right?

Well, most everyone knows it, but hardly anyone does it. Especially busy fathers who tell themselves they have more pressing things to do than worry about whether or not they've eaten the recommended servings of fruits and veggies.

Fortunately, some men make it a point to supplement their nutritional needs by taking a multi-vitamin each day.

That's good news, right? Well, yes and no.

While I do applaud anyone for taking positive steps when it comes to their health and well-being, the products they are using aren't always the best. Most synthetic vitamins you buy at the grocery store aren't exactly created with the best ingredients.

For one thing: They're synthetic. Meaning they are man made. And research has shown recently that these vitamins created in labs aren't absorbed as well as those created in nature. And many products don't have the amounts of ingredient and nutrients in them that they claim to on the label!

But don't worry, because I have some really good news for you and all the dads out there. My friends at Prograde Nutrition are holding a Father's Day Sale this week. And to make sure all the dads out there are getting the best possible nutrients from their "mutli" they are offering 10% off on their amazing Men's VGF 25+ product. It's made from 25 whole foods.

Yes, that means the nutrients are coming DIRECTLY from a combination of 25 whole vegetables, greens and fruits. There's none of that synthetic junk you'll find in the products on the grocery store shelves.

Prograde's VGF 25+ gets my full recommendation. You can discover what makes this product so special by reading all about it here:

Get Prograde VGF 25 for Men

And if you make the smart move and try some for you or the dads in your life, here are all the details you need to know about the sale:

- 10% off Men's VGF 25+ only. But it can be single bottle, three packs of the auto ship option.

- If you choose the auto ship option the 10% off applies to the first order only

- The sale runs until 11:59pm EST this Friday, June, 13th.

- When you get to the checkout page the coupon code is:


Again, Prograde's VGF 25+ gets my FULL recommendation. Their products are simply the best. In fact, they are so good, you can't even get them in stores.

Prograde only makes its products available through top-flight fitness experts - just like you know who ;-)

- Take the time right now to learn more about Prograde's incredible whole-foods based multi-vitamin. You won't find an easier way to provide your body with the powerful nutrients of 5 whole vegetables, greens and fruits.

Get Progrades VGF 25 for men

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