Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fitness Camp December: Week 3 Day 3

Team Race Challenge

It's been a while for this one and proved to be 'sorely' missed.

Round 1: 1 lap + Stairs x 2 + 120 Push ups

(St. Johnsbury- Lunge Burpees x 2 + Step ups x 15 each leg + 120 Push ups)

Round 2: 1 lap + Stairs x 2 + 120 Dips

(St. Johnsbury- Lunge Burpees x2 + Step ups x 15 each leg + 120 Dips)

Round 3: 1 lap + Stairs x 2 + 120 Push ups + 120 Jump Squats

In partners one goes first and completes the circuit but only can complete a maximum of 20 of the exercises at the end. As a team you must complete the 120 reps at the end of the circuit by each person running through entire circuit and accumulating a total of 120 reps to be declared done with that circuit. Once partner completes circuit in front of you (entire circuit + 20 max reps of exercise), you run through circuit. (If doing a max of 20 reps, each partner will have to run through it three times each).

St. Johnsbury- due to small space the next partner went when their partner started the step ups.

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