Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fitness Camp Week 6 Session 2 April/May Last day of April/May Camp


Burpees x 30 seconds

Kettlebell Swings x 30 seconds

Lunge Jumps x 30 seconds

Inverted Rows x 30 seconds

Perform three sets at thirty seconds each counting the number of reps. After completing all four exercises you should have four numbers corresponding to the amount of reps you did for each exercise.

St. Johnsbury Burpees Kettlebell Swings Lunge Jumps Inverted Row

Karen 40 48 60 41

April 29 55 74 42

Evelyn 21 53 54 29

Part 2- Burn through your rep count that you got in part 1 for total time.

Karen 9:14 - 189 reps

April 7:57- 200 reps

Evelyn 9:33- 157 reps

Newport Burpees Kettlebell Swings Lunge Jumps Inverted Row

Brandy 37 58 130 51

Nate 40 53 80 45

Tracey 51 55 115 52

Cindy 44 67 133 83

Monica 33 58 95 46

Mark 43 55 109 55

Julie 43 55 109 63

Meredith 35 53 98 43

Sarah 39 65 141 68

Carol 37 52 108 50

Louise 38 56 152 57

Jean 39 56 151 60

Kristin 38 56 105 42

Margaret 37 50 105 41

Julie 6:40- 270 reps

Margaret 8:33- 233 reps

Carol 8:48- 247 reps

Cindy 7:59- 327 reps

Jean 9:18- 397 reps

Nate 9:33- 218 reps

Tracey 8:07- 273 reps

Mark 9:37- 262 reps

Monica 6:09- 232 reps

Louise 9:14- 303 reps

Meredith 7:32- 229 reps

Sarah 7:37- 313 reps

Kristin 5:57- 241 reps

Brandy 7:11- 276 reps

Congratulations to Mark and Brandy for being the black t-shirt winners for Fitness Camp in April/May for being model campers and being there for others to look up to!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Fitness Camp Week 6 Session 1 April/May

Roll the Dice

1's Push ups x 15

2's Dips x 15 (Newport- Band High Rows x 15)

3's Chin to Knees x 15

4's Jump Squats x 15

5's Overhead Squat x 15 (Newport- Lunges x 15 each leg)

6's Thrusters x 15 each side

Start each round with 25 Jumping Jacks (Newport- run approx 600 yards)

In pairs we rolled the dice twice to designate our exercises per round. We played one 15 minute game and tried to get as many rounds as we could.

St. Johnsbury


Brenda 8.5


Mike 7.5


Karen 8.5


Margaret's team 5

Becky's team 5

Brandy's team 5.5

The Hills have Kettlebells (St. Johnsbury)

Sprint up incline of 40 yards walk down. 1/2 of camp performed 15 Kettlebell Swings at the bottome of the hill while the other half continued sprint and recovery. At 5 minute mark groups switched tasks.

Assisted Pull ups and Dumbbell Snatch (Newport)

Newport campers learned and tried out new exercises- One arm Kettlebell Swing, One arm dumbbell snatch and the assisted pull up, as Newport progresses in new realms of fitness.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Fitness Camp Session 3 Week 5 April/May

A Change of Pace

Today we went into the weight room for a change of pace and progression to exercises that require tight focus on technique and explosion. Today is the first day of many like these as the transformation of these individuals reaches a new level.

St. Johnsbury

A1.Assisted Pull-ups
A2.Dumbbell Front Squat Push Press

B1. One Hand Dumbbell Snatch
B2. Push ups

C1. Medicine Ball Slams
C2. Overhead Squat- FULL range of motion

Each exercise was taught then performed in superset format with one other exercise (as divided above) Each exercise was performed with the goal of reaching between 10-12 reps with each set. Two sets were performed.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Fitness Camp Week 5 Session 2 April/May

'Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant.'

Ascent/Descent + Strong to the Core

April fighting for one more rep of burpees!

Yes Brenda, your legs are still there even though you can't feel them!

Jean squeezing out some prisoner squats!

Cindy and Julie in a burpee race!

Strong to the Core

Side Plank left x 20 seconds

Side Plank right x 20 seconds

Push up plank x 20 seconds

Continue through planks without letting your hips or knees touch the ground and complete as many rounds as you can.

St. Johnsbury

Karen 6

Brenda 2

Laurie 2.6

April 3


Margaret 6

Carol 6.6

Nate 5

Tracey 6

Louise 7.3

Julie 7.6

Mark 4

Laura 5

Cindy 6.6

Jean 1.3


10 Chin to Knees

20 Burpees

30 Push ups

40 Prisoner Squats

50 Jump Squats

40 Prisoner Squats

30 Push ups

20 Burpees

10 Chin to Knees

Move through exercises and complete workout twice for time.

St. Johnsbury

Karen 22:54

Brenda 19:58

Laurie 22:15

April 20:52


Margaret 14:08

Carol 18:10

Nate 15:18

Tracey 12:25

Louise 15:02

Julie 10:40

Mark 15:10

Laura 17:38

Cindy 12:02

Jean 15:02

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fitness Camp Week 5 Session 1 April/May

Countdown + Mini Gasser

Mini Gasser

5 Burpees

10 Squats

Complete as many rounds as you can in 5 minutes

Margaret 16

Carol 10

Nate 12

Tracey 13

Mike 8

Louise 10

Becky 15

Julie 14

Mark 11.5

Laura 10

Cindy 12

Jean 9

St. Johnsbury

Karen 8


Step ups

Push ups

Chin to Knees


With the four above exercises go through countdown of 10 reps to 1 rep of each exercise. This can be performed in a superset or broken up into two mini circuits. Complete one round for time.

St. Johnsbury

Karen 13:52


Margaret 12:55

Carol 12:45

Nate 10:44

Tracey 10:19

Mike 13:07

Louise 12:25

Becky 9:47

Julie 9:25

Mark 10:14

Laura 12:40

Cindy 7:39

Jean 11:45

Newport had some time left over so they performed the Tour de IROC

Run down flight of stairs

Run 1 lap (1/10 mile)

Run up flight of stairs

Perform 10 push ups

Complete four rounds for time

Jean 7:07

Cindy 5:59

Mark 5:35

Julie 5:00

Becky 6:31

Louise 6:04

Mike 7:04

Tracey 6:45

Nate 5:56

Carol 7:21

Margaret 7:18

Laura DNF

Friday, May 11, 2007

Fitness Camp: Week 4 Session 2 April/May

Four Minute Madness + Loose Standard Push ups

Karen showing great form with Inverted Rows!

April using full range of motion with Kettlebell High Pull!

Julie trying out a new exercise: Sandbag Rows

Nate gathering for a powerful Jump Squat

Standard Push ups

Complete as many push ups as you can without allowing your knees to touch the ground. Range of motion must of quality, however in this format I'm not concerned with a full range of motion, 1/2 range of motion is satisfactory.

St. Johnsbury (Previous best in parenthesis)

Karen R. 25

April (16) 31


Margaret 60

Carol 31

Nate 60

Tracey 47

Mike 30

Julie 41

Mark 55

Monica 30

Laura 26

Brandy 50

Cindy 69

Jean 45

Four Minute Madness

Station 1- Thrusters and Crunches

Station 2- Burpees and Jumping Lunges

Station 3- Sky and Ground Squats and Push ups

Station 4- Inverted Row (St. Johnsbury) Sandbag Rows (Newport) and Kettlebell High Pull

Station 5- Dips (St. Johnsbury) Chin to Knees (Newport) and Jump Squats

Spend four minutes at each station counting number of rounds you reach, performing 12 reps for each exercise. In transition from station to station there is a one minute rest before starting the next station. Rounds are totaled at the end.

St. Johnsbury

April 20

Karen R. 18.5


Margaret 37

Carol 19.5

Nate 25.5

Tracey 29

Mike 19

Louise 22

Julie 32

Mark 28

Monica 26

Laura 26

Brandy 27.5

Cindy 32.5

Jean 22

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fitness Camp: Week 4 Session 1 April/May

Classic + Musical Kettlebells (Newport)

Musical Kettlebells

3 Teams two kettlebells

On go signal three members- one from each team- race to two kettlebells

First two to kettlebells perform 15 swings while third runs rest of distance and back

Runner must beat the kettlebell swingers finish and run back to start.

Today we played three rounds.


(St. Johnsbury)

Dips x 25

Step ups x 30



Push ups x 15

Burpees x 20


Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes

St. Johnsbury

Laurie 4.3

Julie 4

April 4.6

Karen R. 4.6

Evelyn 4


Margaret 5

Carol 5

Mike 4

Louise 6

Jean H. 4.5

Julie 8

Monica 4.5

Brandy 6

Cindy 6

Jean 5.5

Becky 4

Special congratulations go to Becky for 'crash and burning' on the Musical Kettlebells. But after dusting herself off, bandaging up, she returns to put forth a tremendous effort, refusing to surrender.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Fitness Camp: Week 3 Session 3 April/May

Deck of Cards + Loop Run

Deck of Cards

Hearts- Chin to Knees

Diamonds- Lunges

Clubs- Dips

Spades- Kettlebell Swings

Joker- 10 of Each Exercise

Ace- 11

Face Cards- 10

3's- WILD choose your exercise perform 15 reps

Two Teams- Team works through deck to finish before the other team.

Loop Run- 3 laps

Kattie- 9:06

Karen R.- 9:08

April- 9:47

Evelyn- 10:37

Fitness Camp: Week 3 Session 2 April/May

Crazy 8's + Tabata Crunches (Newport)

Tabata Crunches
(previous bests in parenthesis)

Julie (18) 26

Margaret L. (17) 29

Monica (24) 25

Mike 22

Jean 26

Louise 18

Mark (30) 28

Tracey (27) 27

Nate (20) 20

Laura (28) 30

Cindy (29) 24

Carol (27) 24

Brandy (27) 24

Margaret 27

Laurie 23

Crazy 8's

Push Press

Squat Jump




Push ups

Kettlebell Swings


Today we did two rounds

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Top Ten Foods

Here is a list of my top ten foods that I want in my diet for fat loss in no particular order:

10. Chicken Breast
9. Broccoli
8. Fish
7. Natural Peanut Butter
6. Grapefruit, strawberries, rasberries (or other fruits)
5. Almonds
4. Egg whites (Egg Beaters)
3. Black Beans (and other beans)
2. Post Workout recovery Protein, carbohydrate blend shake
1. Homemade Chicken Jerky

How many of these are in your meal plan?

Need nutritional help? Join our Weight Management Program: 12 Week Crash Course that will give you the tools to be successful all while learning a new way of life.

Perhaps its multivitamins, fish oil, or a post workout recovery drink. Go to for more information.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Fitness Camp Newport: Week 3 April/May Session 1

Baseball + 1/2 Mile Run


Run to 1st Base do 10 Squat Jumps

Run to 2nd Base do 10 Chin to Knees

Run to 3rd Base do 10 Jumping Pull ups

Run Home do 10 Push ups

Score a run for your team.

We played to 10 minute games

Game 1: Team 2 Wins 43-39

Game 2: Team 2 Sweeps 42-41!!

1/2 Mile Run

Previous best times in parenthesis

We had 4 people post personal best Times!!

Cindy (4:59) 5:00

Julie (4:01) 4:04

Margaret (4:48) 4:41

Carol (4:50) 4:51

Mark (4:10) 4:12

Laura (5:42) 5:25

Tracey (5:42) 5:25

Brandy (5:22) 4:52

Jean 4:13

Louise 4:16

Mike 5:03

Nate 5:44

Fitness Camp St. Johnsbury: Week 3

Team Races + Medicine Ball Relay

Medicine Ball Relay

Run 10 yards perform 10 Medicine Ball Push Press run back to start

Run 10 yards perform 10 Medicine Ball Clean run back to start

2 Rounds

Team Races

Overhead Squat x 15

Hill Climbers x 30

Kettlebell High Pull x 20

Chin to Knees x 15

Push ups x 15

Each exercise and given repetitions counts as a point for your team as you complete it. Score as many points for your team as you can in 10 minutes.

Game 1: Team 2 wins 40-34

Game 2: Team 2 sweeps 41-38