Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fitness Camp August: Week 2 Session 1

Deck of Cards + Dice Relay

Dice Relay
In teams of 3-4 First person runs to dice and rolls. Number on dice corresponds to exercise on the board. Perform the exercise you rolled then sprint back to team and tag next person in line. Each person goes three times.

1's- Lunge Jumps x 10 each leg
2's- Prisoner Squats x 10
4's- Kettlebell High Pull x 10
5's- Tire Pull x 2
6's- One lap (St. Johnsbury- down and back x 2)

Deck of Cards

The Aftermath

Hearts- Chin to Knees
Diamonds- Step ups (each side)
Clubs- Inverted Rows
Spades- Push ups
Joker- 10 of each exercise
Face Cards- 10 reps
Ace- 11 reps
3's- WILD choose your exercise do 15 reps

Round 2 (Newport)- First Joker doubles value of cards drawn after it. Second Joker returns all card values back to normal

Round 3(Newport)- Diamonds become stair sprints x 2, and Spades become Burpees

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn those jokers!!! :) I had to double for a looooooong time! Loved it!