Burpees x 30 seconds
Kettlebell Swings x 30 seconds
Lunge Jumps x 30 seconds
Inverted Rows x 30 seconds
Perform three sets at thirty seconds each counting the number of reps. After completing all four exercises you should have four numbers corresponding to the amount of reps you did for each exercise.
St. Johnsbury Burpees Kettlebell Swings Lunge Jumps Inverted Row
Karen 40 48 60 41
April 29 55 74 42
Evelyn 21 53 54 29
Part 2- Burn through your rep count that you got in part 1 for total time.
Karen 9:14 - 189 reps
April 7:57- 200 reps
Evelyn 9:33- 157 reps
Newport Burpees Kettlebell Swings Lunge Jumps Inverted Row
Brandy 37 58 130 51
Nate 40 53 80 45
Tracey 51 55 115 52
Cindy 44 67 133 83
Monica 33 58 95 46
Mark 43 55 109 55
Julie 43 55 109 63
Meredith 35 53 98 43
Sarah 39 65 141 68
Carol 37 52 108 50
Louise 38 56 152 57
Jean 39 56 151 60
Kristin 38 56 105 42
Margaret 37 50 105 41
Julie 6:40- 270 reps
Margaret 8:33- 233 reps
Carol 8:48- 247 reps
Cindy 7:59- 327 reps
Jean 9:18- 397 reps
Nate 9:33- 218 reps
Tracey 8:07- 273 reps
Mark 9:37- 262 reps
Monica 6:09- 232 reps
Louise 9:14- 303 reps
Meredith 7:32- 229 reps
Sarah 7:37- 313 reps
Kristin 5:57- 241 reps
Brandy 7:11- 276 reps
Congratulations to Mark and Brandy for being the black t-shirt winners for Fitness Camp in April/May for being model campers and being there for others to look up to!