Bruce Lee
Tabata Test + 1/2 Mile Run
Today was the last day of camp, and what that means is the re-eval workout to check progress and to celebrate results.
Tabata Push Press
Tabata Squats
Tabata Push ups
Tabata Sit ups
1/2 Mile Run
(note the 1/2 Mile Run and Tabata Squats are two parts to the Body Fat Blaster Challenge)
Newport 415 (personal bests are in bold)

Tabata Push Press
Jenn T. 10# 8
Robin 10# 11
Charlotte 15# 10
Sarah 7.5# 11
Julie 20# 14
Brandy 10# 11
Monica 15# 10
Carolyn 10# 18
Pat 10# 12
Janet 12# 14
Louise 15# 11
Margaret 15# 11
Jean M. 15# 11
Push ups
Jean M. 12
Margaret 15
Louise 7
Janet 15
Pat 10
Carolyn 10
Monica 15
Brandy 13
Julie 15
Sarah 24
Charlotte 14
Robin 15
Jenn T. 11
Jenn T. 17
Robin 15
Charlotte 18
Sarah 20
Julie 22
Brandy ?
Monica 17
Carolyn 19
Pat 15
Janet 23 (Camp Record)
Louise 16
Margaret 19
Jean M. 16
Sit ups
Jean M. 12
Margaret 10
Louise 10
Janet 12
Pat 10
Carolyn 9
Monica 6
Brandy 12
Julie 12
Sarah 24
Charlotte 8
Robin 12
Jenn T. 6
1/2 Mile Run
Jenn T. 3:48
Robin 5:20
Charlotte 5:26
Sarah 5:44
Julie 3:17
Brandy 4:23
Monica 5:03
Carolyn 4:26
Pat 5:40
Janet 3:48
Louise 3:49
Margaret 4:09
Jean M. 3:49
Special Congratulations to Sarah and Robin for improving their personal bests in all five categories!
Janet and Carolyn earned their black t-shirt awards for this camp. They are models for what it takes to be a successful camper in and out of camp. They bring their A game to the workouts AND spread their positive attitudes and kindness to others. Thank you for being such an asset to our community!
Newport 530 (personal bests are in bold)

Tabata Push Press
Darlene 10# 7
Mick 15# 7
Don 20# 10
Michelle M. 15# 8
Jenn N. 10# 9
Adrian 15# 10
Becky 15# 15
Donna 15# 12
Tracy 15# 7
Gail 10# 11
Nicole 15# 12
Cindy 15# 12
Push ups
Tracy 21
Donna 17
Becky 9
Cindy 15
Nicole 23
Gail 5
Adrian 6
Jenn N. 16
Michelle M. 15
Don 5
Mick 11
Darlene 8
Darlene 15
Mick 6
Don 11
Michelle M. 15
Jenn N. 21
Gail 14
Nicole 23 Camp Record
Cindy 16
Becky 17
Donna 21
Tracy 20
Sit ups
Tracy 12
Donna 13
Becky 10
Cindy 8
Nicole 13
Gail 7
Jenn N. 9
Michelle M. 11
Don 4
Mick 6
Darlene 5
1/2 Mile Run
Darlene 4:22
Mick 3:49
Don 4:28
Michelle M. 3:47
Jenn N. 3:44
Gail 5:09
Adrian 4:01
Nicole 3:56
Cindy 4:00
Becky 3:44
Donna 4:13
Tracy 4:59
Special congratulations to Donna for being awarded the black t-shirt this month. Coming to camp every day with a big smile on her face and a positive attitude and willingness to help other campers, speaks volumes about what she brings to our community. Thank you for being an integral part of camp and being someone others look up to.
St. Johnsbury (personal bests are in bold)

Push Press
Lynn #2 8# 8
Stacy 8# 5
Karen L. 7.5# 13
Deb 10# 8
Lynn #1 10# 8
Jill 15# 8
Karen R. 10/15# 10
Karen W. 15# 10
Push ups
Karen W. 10
Karen R. 9
Jill 10
Lynn #1 6
Deb 8
Karen L. 25
Stacy 13
Lynn #2 11
Lynn #2 8
Stacy 9
Karen L. 13
Deb 8
Lynn #1 11
Jill 10
Karen R. 15
Karen W. 14
Sit ups
Karen W. 7
Karen R. 13 (supermans)
Jill 7
Lynn #1 8
Deb 3
Karen L. 8
Stacy 6
Lynn #2 4
1/2 Mile Run (The personal bests are compared to the personal best in the run outdoors)
Lynn #2 5:44
Stacy 5:03
Karen L. 5:30
Deb 5:46
Lynn #1 4:12
Jill 3:59
Karen R. 4:04
Karen W. 4:00
Congratulations to Lynn #1 for earning the black t-shirt award for this months camp. From day one you came in ready to work and work hard. The intensity spread throughout camp like wildfire and took the class to another level. The great results you have achieved so far are a testament to the discipline you have employed on yourself.
Today we also said good bye to two of our most inspirational campers: Lynn #2 and Karen L. We will miss you during the winter months and look forward to when we can feed off your energy and determination again. Thank you for showing us that no obstacle is too much to overcome.
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