Shuttle Relay
3-4 teams one person goes at a time. Run 20 yards perform 10 Jump Lunges, Run back to start. Run 40 yards perform 10 Jump Squats run back to start. Run 60 yards perform 10 Squats, run back to start and tag next person on team.
(St. Johnsbury, due to limited space performed the following: Alligator Crawl 20 yards perform 10 Jumping Lunges run back to start. Alligator Crawl 20 yards perform 10 push ups and 10 Jump Squats, run back to start. Alligator Crawl 20 yards perform 10 Burpees and 10 Squats, run back to start)
Engine 8
Campers will spend 1 minute at each station completing as many reps as they can, and keeping count. At the end of one minute rotate to next station without rest. Upon completion of all 8 stations, write down your total repetition count for that round. Complete three rounds.
St. Johnsbury (the last round we did 30 second stations)
Lynn #1 233, 215, 126
Deb 184, 142, 85
Anne 214, 221, 126
Lynn #2 175, 184, 125
Karen R. 244, 217, 153
Karen W. 205, 200, 125
Jill 207, 194, 118
Karen L. 230,
Newport 415 (the last round we did 30 second stations)
Julie 247, 277, 153
Jean M. 200, 178, 111
Sarah 170, 200, 190
Margaret 256, 230, 115
Carolyn 221, 233, 124
Janet 290, 277, 142
Pat 190, 180, 120
Jenn N. 288, 250, 163
Tracy 266, 285, 171
Louise 225, 230, 117
Becky 278, 260, 136
Donna 253, 265, 145
Monica 202, 180, 135
Charlotte 220, 222, 144
Brandy 246, 269,
Newport 530 (we did the full workout)
Krystal 210, 235, 218
Laura 226, 216, 230
Mick 149, 162, 155
Michelle M. 230, 219, 240
Don 167, 160, 175
Darlene 178, 176, 170
Jess B. 209, 203, 204
Cindy 305, 305, 313
Jean H. 222, 267, 286
Nicole 255, 267, 300
1 comment:
Killer killer killer workout! I am doing this one on my own at home - this was great!!! ~Janet
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