Soon, my son, soon:)

Push ups max reps
Pull ups max reps
Form Circuit
Weighted Squat x 10
Burpees x 10
Push Press x 10
Kettlebell Swings x 10
Planks max hold
We had the 70 and 80 push up barrier broken (the 70 broken on several occasions). We had several perform their first pull up and several others surpass 4 minutes on the plank!
We also had a black t-shirt winner: Congratulations Marilyn for displaying hard work and devotion to your goals. Your leadership in class and discipline outside of class has provided the results you have wanted. Thank you for coming out of your shell more in class and being a leader by example and by voice. Congratulations
These are the scores for the top five teams as of 10/6/08
1. Team Laurel and Hardy: 61.25 points
2. Team Sara: 52 points
3. Team Mamas: 43.42 points
4. The Kettle 'belles': 39.33 points
5. Challenge Cancun: 33 points
Special Congratulations to Triple Threat for losing the most inches in the first four weeks
There is a log jam of teams after that. Still very close and still four weeks left. Still anyone's ball game:)
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