Thursday, February 28, 2008

Newport Week 3 Day 1

It's BRING A FRIEND WEEK!!! Great job to those who participated - we hope you come back for more!
Scaled Task and Jack and Hills
Extended Warm up
Jack and Hills
Campers will perform the following in a circuit without rest for three sets :
Jumping jacks x 30 seconds
Hill climbers x 30 seconds
Main Workout
Scaled Task
Campers will move through circuits they are assigned to completing five rounds in the quickest possible time or as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes
Group A Burpees x 12 Sit-ups x 24 Reverse Lunges x 36 total
Group B Burpees x 16 Sit-ups x 32 Reverse Lunges x 48 total
Group C Burpees x 20 Sit-ups x 40 Reverse Lunges x 60 total

1 comment:

Monica said...

Yeah Wendy!! Great Job on those #@!@#*g burpees :)~