Sit ups
Push ups
Push Press
This is our 'evaluation' workout. We do this at the beginning and end of each camp. Peform each station in this format: 20 seconds of work counting reps followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do this for 8 straight sets and record the lowest amount of reps you get in one 20 second bout. Your lowest rep count is your score for that station.
1/2 Mile Run (Newport)
We had 8 people improve on their times. Lynn S. joined the sub four minute club with the third best time ever in camp. Wendy is knocking on the door of the sub four minute club with a time of 4:00.
Finisher (St. Johnsbury)
10 Burpees
15 Romanian Deadlift
20 Jumping Jacks
You have two minutes to complete the above exercises. If you complete them before the two minutes, use the spare time to rest. At the two minute mark another round will automatically start. The quicker the exercises are performed (with accurate form), the more rest you will have.
A special congratulations to Nicole for being the black t-shirt winner for January camp. Nicole has exibited tremendous effort since she started camp, often giving Julie a run for her money in several workouts/challenges. Thank you Nicole for making camp a positive environment where hard work and dedication are supreme and leading by example.
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