Tuesdays workout was a blur in more ways than one! As a camp your speed is amazing and by the look of the pictures, even a camera is unable to keep up :)
Partner Competition + Baseball
Partner Competition- Camp split up into partners, one of you performing Burpees for 60 seconds counting reps and your partner performing Prisoner Squats for 60 seconds counting reps. At the end of 60 seconds tell your partner your reps and their objective is to beat your score, as you will now switch exercises for 60 seconds and try to better your partners score.
Round two we did Push ups and Chin to Knees Partner Competition
With the camp split up into two teams you will try to score as many points for your team as you can in 10 minutes. Score a run after completing an exercise at each base and running to the next base:
1st Base: 10 Chin to Knees
2nd Base: 10 Sky and Ground Squats
3rd Base: 10 Burpees
Home: 10 Push ups
Then score a run for your team
Two very close rounds today:
Game 1: It was a 30-30 tie!! (some demanded a recount)
Game 2: Team 1 wins narrowly 29-28, and thus deserves bragging rights for the day.
St. Johnsbury

Poison Control + Strap/Ring Push ups intro
Strap push ups and Ring Push ups are an advancement to floor push ups. There are still modifications that we are able to do to satisfy diverse fitness abilities. There is no doubt the stress that is placed on the whole body when a ring or strap push up is performed correctly. One camper had said, "My abs are really feeling this one!"
Stay tight in the core and focused on your movement, and execute with confidence.
Poison Control
You have a series of five numbers and a series of five exercises. You get to choose which exercise you want to match with which number. No number or exercise can be performed together more than once. Move through the exercises and reps (numbers) as quickly as you are able to twice.
Inverted Rows
Chin to Knees
Prisoner Squats
Push ups
Karen R. 22:28
Karen L. ?
Cindy 18:43
Lynn #1 25:18
Lynn #2 24:33
Mindy 26:53
Anne 22:29
Deb 27:47
A special congratulations to Lynn #2 for earning the black t-shirt award for the August Camp in St. Johnsbury. I have seen more progress from you than I have from any other camper I have ever had in the same time frame you have been with us. Your physical developments as well as your mentality toward your improvements make you a model fitness camper. We are all proud of you!
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