Thursday, June 14, 2007

This workout is from June 6th and 7th. I am experiencing some difficulty posting pictures. Hope to have it back up soon. Sorry for the delay.

Spread the Wealth + Deadlift Intro + Medicine Ball Slams

Newport- Deadlift Intro
We used 25# weights with handles for the Deadlift
Grip in squat stance with feed with back flat, butt out, and looking straight ahead with eyes, shoulders and chest
Push feet through the floor lifting weight close to your body
Finish with legs and hips in full extension

St. Johnsbury- Medicine Ball Slams
Full Squat and scoop of medicine ball
Quick extension and lift over head and counter momentum to slam ball into ground

Spread the Wealth
Circuit #1
Kettlebell High Pull x 10
Dips x 20
Broad Jump x 10

Circuit #2
Push Press x 10
Chin to Knees x 15
Step-ups x 10 per leg

Complete as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes then switch circuits

Total Rounds
St. Johnsbury
Karen 9.6
Jane 5.3
Anne 9
Melissa 8.5

Mark 16
Margaret 15
Julie 15
Jean M. 13
Jean H. 14
Brandy 14
Monica 14
Tracey 14
Erika 6
Cindy 16
Kristin 12
Alison 13

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.