The following is an excerpt from the Torrid Twenty: Twenty Exercises that will Ignite your Inner Furnace for Optimal Fat Loss
20. Kettlebell Thrusters
• I use kettlebells in this exercise but dumbbells work well also. This
is another single sided exercise compounding the challenge of
• Muscles stressed- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Shoulders, Low
back, Abdominals
• Difficulty level 7 out of 10
This is similar to a Push Press except that you are performing the exercise
unilaterally (one side at a time), the position of the weight when squatting,
and the depth of the squat you perform. The squat is more like a front
squat because the weight is positioned just below your chin rather than at
your shoulders. You can really feel abdominal bracing (abs working to
stabilize) when you get fatigued.
Below is step by step how to perform Kettlebell Thrusters:
• Start by positioning your feet about shoulder width apart grasping a
kettlebell/dumbbell in one hand. You should start the weight just
below your chin in front of you.
• Perform a regular squat (try to get your thigh parallel to the floor),
and keep the kettlebell/dumbbell at your chest
• Extend your legs and just before full extension of the legs, press
the weight overhead
• Return the weight to just below your chin and repeat

Fig. 20A Starting Position for Thrusters

Fig. 20b Finish position for Thrusters
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