The following is an excerpt from The Torrid Twenty: Twenty Exercises that will Ignite your inner furnace for optimal fat loss13. Sumo Deadlift Squat Thrust• This is a combination exercise. Which means; two exercises put
together to make a more complicated and challenging exercise
(saves you valuable time). A strength move combined with a
callisthenic make for a unique demand on the body.
• Muscles stressed- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Chest,
Shoulders, Abdominals, Low back, and on and on.
• Difficulty Level- 8 out of 10
The Sumo Deadlift Squat Thrust is one of those exercises that you will
want to do early in your workout since it requires a lot of energy to
perform. An alternative way to perform this exercise (for those who
struggle too much with the original execution), is to use a box, or chair to
place your hands on when performing the Squat Thrust portion of the
exercise. However, this should be temporary until your developed
strength and stamina allow you to perform the Squat Thrust to the floor.
Below is step by step how to perform Sumo Deadlift Thrust:
• Place one dumbbell on an end in front of you and stand straddling
the dumbbell using a wide stance with your legs and your toes
pointing outward.
• With eyes shoulders and chest pointing straight ahead, bend at the
knees to pick up the dumbbell with both hands, but keep both arms
locked in extension.
• Deadlift the dumbbell by extending your legs and keeping your
head, shoulders and chest forward and maintaining your arms in
full extension.
• Return weight to floor in same way you picked it up; once the
weight is on floor bring hands shoulder width apart to the floor (as if
doing a push up) and keep legs flexed tucked underneath you.
• With hands on floor in push up position, extend your legs out
behind you, putting you in a push up position with hands and legs
• Kick your legs back in underneath you quickly after extending
them; you are now ready for your second repetition.
Fig.13a Beginning Deadlift Phase

Fig. 13b. Completion of Deadlift Phase
Fig. 13c Beginning Squat Thrust Phase
Fig. 13d. Legs Extended Phase of Squat Thrust