Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Short Sprint and Go + Roll the Dice

We went with a boot camp classic today.

Short Sprint and Go

Circuit 1

Push ups x 10

Step ups x 12 each leg

Sit ups x 10

Circuit 2

Dips x 15

Run 1 lap

Chin to Knees x 12

Complete as many rounds as you can in 6 minutes, then switch circuits and compare rounds completed with your partner (who was performing the opposite circuit as you) to see how many rounds is your goal to accomplish.

Roll the Dice

1's- Push ups x 15

2's- Hill Climbers x 40

3's- Sit ups x 15

4's- Jump Squats x 15

5's- Burpees x 15

6's- Step ups x 15 each leg

Start each round with 1 lap then roll the dice twice to decide your exercises as a pair. We played for 15 minutes

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