Five Stations. You will spend four minutes at each station. Complete as many rounds at each station as possible in those four minutes. Rest one minute transitioning from station to station.
All reps are 12.
Station 1: Renegade Rows + Sit ups
Station 2: Sumo Deadlift + Burpees
Station 3: Weighted Lunges + Band Rows
Station 4: Kettlebell Swing + 1 lap
Station 5: Push ups + Prisoner Squats
Core Stabilization: This is going to start to be a daily event in boot camp. We will always either do planks (variations) or Supermans. Core stabilization must be a staple in your program whether it is performing these exercises or performing full body exercises with effective lifting technique.
Foam Roller regeneration: Another staple that has made its appearance in bootcamp and is also going to be a mainstay. Muscle regeneration will go a long way to helping reduce muscle soreness as well as reducing injury. While some of the moves may be awkward, they are well worth it and are probably the most important thing you can do in boot camp to prevent injury. Never had an injury? Ask someone who has and how frustrating it is.
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