Kettlebell Swing Relay and Leg Power
Kettlebell Swing Relay
Two teams, on go first person runs to kettlebell and performs 15 swings.
Once finished will lunge back to start. Next person runs to kettlebell when their teammate starts to lunge back to start. We will do three rounds.
Leg Power
A. 100 Hill Climbers
Broad Jump Burpees x 3 room lengths counting reps
Lunge Jumps
Squat Jumps
100 Hill Climbers
Step ups each side
Lunges each side
Sky and Ground Squats
100 Hill Climbers
B. 75 Hill Climbers
Broad Jumps x 2 lengths of room counting reps
Step ups each side
Lunges each side
Prisoner Squats
75 Hill Climbers
Step ups each side
Push ups
Sky and Ground Squats
75 Hill Climbers

Campers will count their reps on the broad jump or broad jump burpees. That number of reps will be the number of reps they will perform of each exercise thereafter (except hill climbers). Complete your assigned circuit (A or B) for time.
We had some brave ones do circuit A today. Great Job Kristi, Daniel, and Norah. And Cheryl fantastic job finishing circuit B with heart and determination. You'll be ready for Circuit A very soon!
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