Now is the time to set your goals and work towards accomplishing them. Write down some measurable goals and read them often. Hold yourself accountable by telling someone in your supportive network of friends and family. It's great to see you all again, and welcome to all new boot campers.
TABATA 20/10
Campers work through four stations of exercises completing 8 sets of each exercise. Each set consists of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Campers count their reps for each exercise and record the LOWEST number of reps completed as their score for that exercise before moving to the next station. Exercises are:
Tabata Push Press Scores from 7-18 however, different weights were used remember
Tabata Sit-Ups Scores from 3-16 with some mod crunches
Tabata Push-Ups Scores from 4-15 with some mod and some all standard (watch those elbows - we'll keep working on this)
Tabata Squats Scores from 8-25

pm class did a Leg Matrix Finisher:
24 jump squats
24 lunge jumps
24 prisoner squats
24 lunges total
for time - a new one that was well received....well, it was new anyway!!
Times from 1:23 - 2:15
Watch those food labels:*Sat fat gram should be half or less total value of fat grams
*Total sugar grams should be half or less total carb grams, *There should be at least 2 grams of fiber, *There should be some protein, *Should have vitamins and minerals, and serving size should be easily measurable for you to ensure accurate nutritional intake.
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