Monday, November 19, 2007

Black T-Shirt

I'm going to be doing something different with the Black T-shirt Award.

The Black t-shirt signifies that this person stands out in the crowd, and stands out in camp. I also like to see those who earn the black t-shirt are seen as leaders in camp and one others can look up to. Those who have earned the black t-shirt all define what it is to be a leader.

What I plan on doing is awarding one black t-shirt for ALL camps each month. What that means is there will be ONE black t-shirt awarded per month total.

On another note:

Here are some things I learned this weekend at the conference I attended:

- Inspiration starts when you are motivated by dissatisfaction with the way things are.
-Implementers shall inherit the wealth (not just money)
-Never forget why you are doing what you are doing. Avoid mindless work
-Don't go to bed without learning one new thing every day

Those are a few of the many items that carry over into everyones life. Many more thoughts to come as I reflect further on this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time and learned a lot! ~Janet